Our small victories...

Since my last couple blogs have mostly been about my frustrations and hardships being a parent, I thought I should write one about the small things that Max and I have accomplished lately. ( Especially since it has just us 2 at home). 1. Max no longer screams bloody murder at bath time. There is still the occasional crying, but we've had a couple of days where he actually seemed to like it:). 2. Just now ( I'm writing this on my iphone as I finish up a 4am feeding) he had a 4 hour stretch of sleep! That has never happened before and was well appreciated by us both:). 3. He had a nap in his crib and woke up peacefully, I found him just chilling in his crib looking around, instead of screaming:). 4. He will now allow for me to put him down without screaming at times. He will play in his bouncer or chill on his nap nanny without cry...