A List of VERY late resolutions.
Ok, so I have been meaning to post a list of things I want to improve about myself or do better. I meant to do it around New Years, but, of course, it never got done. So here it is. 1. NOT BAIL. It is so easy to have excuses not to do things when you have a baby. Seriously, you can pretty much blame anything on them and people can't really say much. It's not like someone is gonna say "You're baby isn't really sick, bring him out anyway". Plus it is honestly so much easier at times just stay in and not have to get everything ready to go, worry about if your baby is going to be fussy, or if its going to to interrupt his nap time. One of my hugest pet peeves, is when people bail on doing something last minute, when they previously said they would. I mean coming up with a bad excuse is one thing, but just not showing is so much worse! But then I got to thinking, holy crap, I am guilty of doing this exact thing! There have been many times where I am just not fee...