I LOVE having a Toddler!

Maximus is 14 months old now and is just so much fun! I feel like I say that a lot, but there really aren't any other words to describe it. I know the toddler years are draining and tiresome for a lot of mothers (it is for me as well, but more on that in a minute) and I know some mothers dearly miss the days when their baby would just lay there, content and happy with the world. They miss the non-mobile pudgy baby that smiled and squeezed their fingers. Well, I'm not sure if it't wrong to say, but I don't miss those days! I love having a toddler so much more than a baby! Let me explain.... He would not stop running around at the Fall Festival! Having a toddler is tiresome. I am literally chasing Max everywhere, all day long. If we go in public, it is even worse. It seems as if everything is his to open, play with, touch, eat, or generally just get into. I can't just sit and have a conversation with someone in public and expect Max to sit still. He will p...