
Showing posts from December, 2013

Am I too Selfish?

Alright, this might be a controversial blog, as I feel as if I am about to admit a blasphemous sin in the world of mothers.  I vaguly remember watching a Dr. Phil show years ago (back in high school) about a mother and her so called shocking view on parenting. I don't know why this show has stuck in my mind all these years, but I guess it is because it always confused me, as to why this mother was getting so much negative attention. To sum it up, there was a average mother who had written a book ( I have no idea what her name or the name of the book was) about how her world did not revolve around her 3 kids. The most popular line, and the one that sticks out in my mind is when she said, " I love my kids, but I am not IN-love with them." She talked about how she did things with out her kids. Her and her husband and even went on several day long vacations every year with out them on purpose. (I think the kids were like elementary ageish). They did things with their kids ...