
Showing posts from 2014

Getting older, and looking it

A s with most of my blog posts, I have been wanting to write this one for a while. I have been thinking about this topic for the past 6 months, just wondering how to put it into words with out sounding completely lame, well I don't think I can, so I am just going to write about it anyway. So I am 28 years old While I am not dumb enough to call this age actually "old" I also have to admit that is not exactly "young" in the most general use of the word. For some reason or another, turning and being 28 has felt pretty hard on me. Now, I know some of you who are older will just role your eyes and say ' Oh, Please!" but just bare with me, It has been hard on me in the fact that this is the first age where I have actually said to myself " Wow, you can't really be young and dumb anymore". Up until this age I never gave age that much thought. I would simply reassure myself that  "Oh, I am just in my early 20's, or mid 20's, plenty...

Being Thrifty.

So it's been over 6 months since I last blogged! Yikes! I guess I have had a lot of other stuff to do, or I haven't thought anything was interesting enoug to blog about, either way, I am going to try and be better about that. So this blog, about being thrifty, is something I have wanted to write for a long time, but I know people get weird when talking about money. I am not sure why, but it makes people feel uncomfortable, anxious and sometimes, down right upset when talking about money. I have never been one of these people. To me, money is money. You need it to survive, some people have a lot, some people don't. But as long as you do the best you can with what you have, why should you embarrassed of that? Idk, today, I consider myself a part of the  middle class America, when it comes to family income. Although, when you google salary of middle class American salary it tells you something way higher than what we have, so maybe I'm a lot poorer than I thought?  Anyway,...

European Discoveries

So one of the reasons I started this blog, nearly 2 years ago, was to tell all my friends and family, who are an ocean away, about my life in Europe. Well, looking at all my previous blog posts, it hasn't really been used for those purposes. It has been mostly filled with new mom struggles and high lights . Well, what can I say, that has basically been my life while I lived here, so  I didn't have too much time to enjoy and discover my surroundings. But now that Max is nearing the big TWO, and I feel like I have a little bit of a handle on this "mom" thing. I have recently been able to do and learn a lot more about this amazing country/continent that I live in!  I have a huge, jam packed,and  fun filled summer planned as I do intend to blog about our trips and keep everyone updated about those places! I can't wait to get out more and explore this amazing place while I can! So basically, this blog will serve as a compacted, random overview of what I have learned,...

Living is a Calculated Risk

So, everyday that I scroll through my Facebook page (which, lets face it, is several time every single day) I am flooded with news articles that have been shared by my friends. The ones that always pop out to me are the articles about a new certain type of miracle food that helps prevent cancer, or will make you live longer. Everyday sometime new is apparently "discovered" that is "proven" to keep you healthier. One day doctors (well, the doctors that are always quoted on these circulating articles) are telling us to get some sun because it contains vitamin D, which is good for your health, but wait, not too much, make sure you wear sunscreen, or wait, sunscreen is toxic, don't wear it, its evil, but don't get sunburned either, you could get melanoma, but wait still get sun on you or you will get a deficiency, and get sick.... It seems like now-a-days there is an article "proving" everything you wish to believe. I have seen article after article ...

Toddler Must Haves

So I wrote a blog similar to this about baby items that were a must have for our family, but I thought it was about time to address the needs of an older baby/ toddler. As a child grows, so does the things that he needs and wants so we have found ourselves always looking for the next item that will be "the best kid things we have ever bought!". Max is nearly 1 1/2 and here are a list of a few things that I would totally recommend to parents with kids around his age! All of these things we have used all the time and well worth the money we have spent on them! (in no particular order) 1. Baby Place Mat . Every single time we take this out in a public place, someone will come up to us and ask where we got this place mat or comment and how such a good idea it is. I have to say, for 10$ this is an absolute must buy! Now, if your kids aren't at the eating table food stage yet, than let me explain what this is. Super simple, you just unroll it and stick it the table when y...