
Showing posts from 2020

What is safety?

What is my safety? As so many things in the world, the concept of safety is relative. All determined by your personal worldview, and standards of your life. If you compare living conditions all over the world it is most likely that you will find a huge amount of the population living the conditions you might consider "unsafe". And they may say the same thing about you. Being safe can mean a multitude of different things to different people. Safe means.... protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost Even before coronovirus were we ever truly safe? When I first became a parent I was overwhelmed and filled with tensions about just how many ways and things can be hurtful or unsafe for my baby. Just ask google, or your mom friends and on any given day you will hear another story of a friend's friend, or an article or a personal experience of some way a child got killed or seriously injured... it sucks. But its true, everything f...

I'm not ok...

All of a sudden, I am non-essential. About a month ago I was told by the government that my lifestyle was too risky, to be lived, it was determined for me. My lifestyle of living involved taking kids to sports practice and school, helping other moms out carpooling, taking my child to speech therapy and hanging out with friends at the park. We went to libraries, drove to gardens, and discovered new things. This was my life, I worked from home a few hours, went to church, was planning life events, Easter parties, going to grad school, working on my career and letting my kids run, jump, discover, enjoy and experience life. I am a let's go do it-type mom. I am not a Pinterest, organized three-hour activity mom. I am not a home school mom. While I love that some are, it's not me, and I was fine with that fact. I loved having things to do, I loved having things for my kids to do. Yet, everything that made me “Me” and what I did and enjoyed was taken away, without any thought or a...