Last Days in the States...
It's only 3 days until Jeffrey and I leave the US and head out to the great country of England! Loads has happened to prepare for leaving in the last couple days/weeks.... First off, we finally finished cleaning our house, after what seemed like forever of cleaning. I really didn't realize how dirty my house was until everything was gone and I was forced to scrub the entire thing! Our housing inspection is tomorrow at 10am and both Jeffrey and I are kinda nervous. This will be our first base housing inspection and since we moved into a brand new house, we have heard it will be brutal! I guess anything we will just see if we end up paying for anything major to be fixed. We will most likely have to pay for the lawn since we were supposed to have the grass grown and green, but being that it snowed 2 days doesn't look great...I am hoping all our hard work in the effort to save money and clean the house ourselves will actually pay off. I am officially not the Presid...