Mama said there'd be days like this...

With only a few days left until my 26th birthday I got to thinking about all my past birthdays and what I was doing and how my life was during that time. The first thought to come to mind was the year I was 17.

I remember it so vividly:) My best friend and I were laying out to get a tan at the pool at my parents house. All we could talk about was how we wanted to lose weight and how we should work out more. We asked my mom to take a picture of us so we could see ourselves and have motivation for loosing weight. I'll never forget what my Mom said as she was taking the picture. She said "Girls, some day you are going to look back on this picture and be amazed at how good you looked and wish you looked like you do now" We just rolled our eyes and thought that there is no way we would ever think that! Haha, it's funny to say but my Mom was so right! It's sad to say that I have never been in better shape or weighed less since that time and thinking about it made me smile because I have never weighed more in my life than I do right now. It's funny how time changes things 9 years later. I realize that I am pregnant now and sort-of have an excuse for not being in great shape, but gaining weight kind of on purpose is so weird when you have tried your whole life not too gain weight.

Basically, I feel huge right now and know I'm only going to get bigger as I head into the last couple months of pregnancy, but there is nothing I can do about it now so might as well be happy with what I look like now and enjoy the baby growing inside me as much as possible! I realize that by the time I turn 27 I will be a mother and have a baby boy, so I have a lot to look forward too!

Baby Beene Update:
Officially in my 3rd trimester and for sure feeling it! Besides feeling large, which I already mentioned, baby is moving around like crazy and I can actually see my belly moving from time to time, which is a little creepy haha.
The only symptom I seem to be having is trouble sleeping. I seem to wake up every few hours and now I have the problem of not being able to get comfortable! I recently got a pre-natal pillow which seems to be helping, but sheesh, sleep just isn't something I have been getting a lot of. But I guess it's just preparing me for when baby actually gets here:)
People have been asking me about cravings, and so far, from my experience, I don't think they are real. The only things I have been eating a lot of is apples and lemonade, but I liked both of those things before I was pregnant, so I remain un-convinced thus far about the cravings theory.

Yesterday I finally filed for my visa and after we mailed it in, they said it could take  4-6 weeks to come in. Lets hope it gets here in under 3 weeks because that's when our flight leaves and that could create a problem:)
Movers are coming next week so for the past couple days I have been busy going through drawers and closets deciding what we want to keep, what we want to sell, what we want to put in storage, and what we want to throw away. Jeffrey and I are trying to keep the "less is more" strategy in mind. We really don't want to accumulate a bunch of junk we don't need, and moving is a great way to purge!


  1. Hey, do you still have the baby doppler that I sent you? If so, I would like that back, if at all possible. :)


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