
Sunday, June 3-
At 7am (about midnight in the states), we arrive in London! After the plane landed we, of course, were hustled into the long line for customs. We didn't have to wait too long and came out of the line with our checked bags waiting for us. Jeffrey's sponsor over here (aka the guys who's job Jeff is taking over) was supposed to be there to pick us up at the airport. This presented a little bit of a problem because neither of us had any idea what this guy looked like haha. Anyway, Jeff ended up calling the guy from a payphone (which is weird enough that they still have those) and he was running late, so we had some time to linger around the London airport. We got some money changed over to pounds, and just tried not to fall asleep while people watching.
Once Jeff's sponsor got there, his name is Rick, we loaded all our luggage into his truck and began the 2 hour rainy drive from the airport to RAF Mildenhall. I tried to pay attention to where we were going and the road laws and signs, but I couldn't help nodding off several times. It didn't help that Jeff and Rick were discussing work and what all his job entails...( any military spouse out there knows how interesting work talk can be ((sarcasm)).
We finally get to the base around 10:30am and check into our temporary lodging, which is nice and kind of like a mini apartment. We pretty much just dropped our stuff, took showers and fell into bed. We both slept until 6pm that night. The only reason we woke up is because Rick and his wife wanted to take us out for dinner that night. Around 7:15pm we met up with them they took us to a fun Indian restaurant in the nearby town of Norfolk. The town was really cute and there was live music in the streets. It was rainy and cold, but the Brits were still out there with umbrellas having a good old time! I had had Indian food in Australia before, but it was the first time for Jeffrey. We both really liked it and think it may be one of our favs now!
Once back in the room, we immediately went back to sleep, after family Skype date of course:)

Monday, June 4-
Sleep didn't last long though as we both woke up at around 3am... We watched a few episodes of our new fav HBO show Game of Thrones, which we now have on dvd, ate some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (its the only food we had) and tried to go back to sleep around 6am. Jeff's alarm went off around 9:30am because he had to start doing some in-processing. I, on the other hand, got to sleep in until about 11:30:) Since I had no cell phone or anyway to get a hold of Jeff I had no idea when he was coming back for the day or how long he'd be gone (it really is so weird not having cell phones these days). I tried to busy myself around the place cleaning up and attempting laundry. Once he got back, we headed out to the bank to set up a British pounds account. (Apparently you have to have a separate account for England because they do the routing different and you have to pay your local bills like cell phones, rent and things like through British pounds). Anyway, that took forever to set up and I almost fell asleep right there. Jeff had some briefings to attend after that so I was on my own to explore. I walked around base and got some groceries at the commissary, checked out the on base car dealership and did some shopping at the BX. Again, not having a phone, I left a note for Jeff at the room to let him know where I was, it was kinda fun writing a note, teehee felt so old school:) Anyway, once he got home we started the car buying process for our new Ford Edge. We also managed to get our new cell phones set up and interestingly enough, they don't charge for any new phones here, only the plans. So needless to say, we both got brand new free iphones:) The rest of the night consisted of setting up the new phones and chatting with people back home. Which brings me to now, I could absolutely not sleep tonight! I tried reading, (I'm on the 5th Harry Potter btw) but managed to stay up until the Spurs game came on...the Spurs are kinda sucking...I hope they pull it through!
So that is all that has happened so far...sorry for some of the pointless details, but hey. Tomorrow hopefully we will go talk to housing, finish buying the car and get me a doctor:)


  1. It was great to hear your past few days adventures! I will have to find out what the cost is for a phone call to you. All is good here. Noah is having band practice and too bad the Spurs lost...but I still have hope for them to pull it off next game! Well...good night you!

  2. So glad you enjoyed your Indian dining experience and that you two are well on your way to becoming established so quickly! The fun part will be the house hunting and then exporing off base places like Cambridge and Bury St. Edmunds! Glad you made it safe. Take care friend!

  3. Erin, this is wonderful. You can be sure I will be following along as you discover the old, new world of England! Love you, Malaine


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