How to become a person again

So about 10 months ago I found out I was was kind of a surprise and kind of not. Ever since then I began to change, both physically and emotionally. Even though the physical changes didn't become apparent until months later, my thoughts and feelings were switched into "baby mode" and I was considering baby names, baby room decor and how I could be a good parent....all things that only briefly crossed my mind before. Once there's the weight gain, every day discomfort, and physical limitations that being pregnant brings, I began to feel less an less like the person I had been for the past 26 years...In the last few months of pregnancy there is the finish line to look forward too. That ultimate goal of getting the baby ou tand feeling normal again, not like a huge unatractive incubator:) I couldnt wait to go back to normal and be myself again. So then labor arrives, and there is the grossnness and bodily discomfort that follows that for days and weeks. I thought, ok by 6 weeks post-pardum I should feel good. I knew I wouldn't be back to my old size but still feeling good. Wrong again, as my body was still... umm..mending itself. Then there was the sleep deprivation that was starting to really wear on me, making the bags under my eyes even more apparent. I felt I was getting grosser every day as things like shaving my legs or putting on makeup just didn't seem to be relevant. I would occasionally look in the mirror and then look away, I looked too awful to think about; plus I had so many other things to worry about. By 8 or 9 weeks all the baby books say your baby should be sleeping 5-6 hour stretches at night consistently, well Max never read the baby books, so that wasn't happening. At this time I feel like the random outside person expects new moms to get it together. I feel as if the first 2 months of your baby's life, the general public kind of gives you a pass. Almost like they understand if you go to the store covered in spit up or never change out of your pajamas all day. After all, you just had a baby.But once that 2 month mark hits, people expect you to have it together. You're not the "new" exhausted mom any more, so your pass disappears. Generally, at this point, you should have this whole parenting thing down. Well, this wasn't happening for me. I felt more confused than ever as I am still trying to figure out Max's unique rhythm. I realised I was one if those moms that I would previously have looked down on. I rarely ever left the house because it was just so nerve racking to not know if Max would be screaming or not. Every day was and is a constant battle to get Max to sleep, and I just didn't have the courage to fight that battle in public. It's so much easier to rock a screaming baby in the comfort of your own home and warm slippers. I started to wonder what was even the point of going out. I mean say church, for example, would take soooo much effort to get ready in the morning and make my way to church only to spend most of the sermon in the cry room and then leave as quickly as possible after. Once home, the whole shirah of going seemed crazy, why even put myself through that?Then this thought made me sad because anyone who knows me, knows I love to be involved and do things. I was and never will be a homebody. I was longing to get out, make friends, and explore this new country I am living in, but the sheer thought was just so exhausting. I was getting into a sad, sleep deprived, spit up covered rut. I've had many conversations with my sister Leigh about this very topic. It helps me to know that someone else is going through the same lose of identity from baby syndrome. I often compare myself to other women I know who had babies around the same time a me. Sometimes I get jealous because they appear to " have it all together"-or at least that's what they portray on the outside- and I am still struggling with every day tasks. That's when I realised that I have a choice on how I view everything. I am never going to be the person I was before Max came along, and although I am only a few pounds away from my pre- pregnancy weigh, my belly stretch marks will never completely fade. I will never ( or not for a very long time) be able to sleep 10 hours a day or spend an entire day baking and decorating a cake. But there are so many things I can do now that I could never do before Max came along, like enjoy the smell of a clean baby after he takes his nightly bath . Or watch his eye lids flutter so cutely when I'm rocking him to sleep. Or feel the sense of parental pride when Max does something new like reach for a toy or make a little laughing noise, or lift himself up during tummy time. So I have come to the conclusion that I need to find a way to mix the old me and the new me and simply accept that I am a different person. So here is my list of things I have come up with to make me feel human again (and not like a dead mommy)

1. Do one thing I like every single day. This can be anything like baking a batch of cookies, reading a chapter of a book, writing this blog, calling a friend or family, or even taking a walk to the craft store and looking around. Just one small thing a day reminds me of me.
2. Conquer at least one daily chore. Dishes and kitchen, bathrooms, laundry, whatever it is, doing a chore helps me feel accomplished and it may be silly but it helps me think I can still be a good wife too.
3. Go out and be social at least twice a week. This may still sound like a small amount, but it requires the full hair and makeup getting ready so ya. It could be church, meeting a friend for lunch or going to Bury for some shopping. Whatever it is, getting out of the house:)
4. Change out of my pajamas, brush my teeth and wash my face every day. Some of you may be thinking... Ew there were days you didn't brush your teeth? And sadly yes, there was. Sometimes things just are forgotten with a screaming baby. The pajama change doesn't need to be right away or even into cute clothes, yoga pants and a t-shirt are acceptable some days, just as long as it wasn't what I slept in haha.
5. Take a picture of Max every day, doesn't have to be uploaded anywhere, I just like to look back at the pics and see how much he has grown. Again, makes me feel like I am doing something right!
6. Embrace the lack of sleep I get. Instead of getting frustrated and cranky with only 3-4 hours of sleep a night, just come to terms with it. If its what I expect, it makes it so much easier to handle and I don't get as upset. ( have to give dibs to Leigh for making me realise this one)
7. Take time to kiss, hug and tell me husband that I love him, even if feel exhausted.

I think if I will continue to follow my new found rules, I will in turn become a new person again!


  1. I had to go back to work when Clara was 8 weeks old. Can you imagine going back to work full time right now? But I had to do it. Finances didn't really give us another option at the time and even though I was terrified how I was going to make it all work, I just did the best I could.

    For me at least, in order to appear like I had it all together after a baby, I kind of just had to fake it. It's not always fun to go out and be involved and try to have a life still, but I did it, just to do it. I think you have to celebrate the accomplishment of just going somewhere, anywhere. So what if Max screamed the whole time? At least you got out of the house. Start there and expect very little from each of your outings. Just get out.

    And no, I still don't have it altogether either, and Clara is almost 13 months. I don't leave the house much. But when I do, I just fake that I have it altogether. If at least I pretend to look like I have it all organized, then I can pretend that I actually do it have all organized and no one has to know the truth. :)

    And yeah, the house is always a mess and I never cook dinner anymore. I'm a horrible wife and exhausted every night. But oh well. It's life. I love my daughter and would never go back to not having her, so the change is worth it. Kyle and I were married for six years before we had her so we were very settled into life with just us two, so yeah, motherhood is a big identity change for most...

    Honestly, even though things are still rough for you right now, I kind of envy you and Leigh for getting to stay home fulltime and focus on your kid(s). Not only do I get the lonliness of being a SAHM, but also the stress and lack of time of being a full-time working mom. So even though getting out is the farthest thing from your mind right now, just the ability of being able to get out and do things if you wish is something to be thankful for as well


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