So I have come to discover where the term "Mom Hair" stems from. I have long thick hair, that I always considered to be one of my assets, but in the last few weeks I has become a huge pain. Basically there is no time to curl or style my hair everyday and even the days that there is enough time for hair styling in a classic " down do" it's not long before it gets destroyed. Long hair with a baby is a total mess because it is either getting in the way of nursing, getting spit up on, or getting pulled and yanked out by baby. Whatever the case, I quickly discovered that having my hair up and back is the way to go. After many days of messy pony tails, and some deliberation if I should cut my hair short, I came to a conclusion. I don't think I could pull off short hair, and I think I would miss my long hair way too much! I kind if consider it my one beauty. After seeing a pin on pintrest about easy hair up dos I got inspired to try an easy hair up-do every day for a week. Although I consider myself only moderately talented when it comes to doing my own hair, most of these take less than 5 minutes to do and a few take about 10 minutes. I think all of them are doable for anyone and require only a little practice and supplies:) A lot of them have french braids in them, which is a great thing to know how to do:)
Day 1: French braid to the side with side twist bun. Used 2 hair ties and 2 spiraled pins. |
Day 2: Loose twist bun with head band. Used 2 spiral pins and 2 hair ties. |
Day 3: Front side french braid pulled back into a messy bun. Used a hair tie and 2 bobby pins. |
Day 4: Two french braids. Pretty basic here, I used 2 hair ties. |
Day 4: Side front twisted back to regular ponytail. I used 1 hair tie and 1 bobby pin. For this one I had to spend a minute or 2 quickly running a straightner through my hair to get out the natural wave. |
Day 6: Regular pony tail with flower attached. I spent a few minutes quickly curling the bottom of my hair, and used just one hair tie. |
Day 7: French Braid down the back with loose twisted bun. I used only one hair tie and 2 spiral pins. |
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