
Showing posts from January, 2013

To Work or Not to Work

So, when people asked me if I was going to go back to work after I had Max, the response was always " I don't know, I am just seeing how it goes." I kind of just thought to myself that I would seriously start thinking about it after Christmas. I just put off thinking about it really and truth be told, before Christmas I was way too wrapped up in just trying to get any sleep at night and finding time to take a shower... Since things have calmed way down with Max I started to allowing the thought of going back to work enter my mind. I have ALWAYS worked, since I got my first job as at the Bulverde Bakery when I was 15, I have literally always worked. All throughout high school, and usually more than one job at a time in college. Except for the 5 months that I lived in Australia, I worked. I think I have written a blog about working before and how I felt about not working while I was pregnant, and that was different. I had nothing to occupy my time then and felt pretty wor...

How I managed sleep training

Sleep training is the task of getting a baby to sleep by himself without the aid of being rocked or nursed to sleep. It also is supposed to help babies put themselves back to sleep when/ if they wake up in the middle of the night. So I have put off sleep training for a while for several reasons. A. I just don't know if I could handle hearing Max cry so much when I know I can help him B. I just got him to be able to even fall asleep at all for naps and am not eager to start a new training. C. I am worried it won't work at all, and I'll just be letting Max cry and getting zero sleep myself in the process with no end., Max is a very stubborn baby and takes a long time to get used to new things. D. I kind of love putting Max to sleep in my arms. There seriously are no words to describe how wonderful it is watching your baby drift off to sleep and rocking him to sleep. I know I won't get this opportunity for much longer, the bigger he gets. Those are the reasons I d...


I hope I am not counting my chickens before they are hatched, but since coming back from the states I have realised how much easier this whole being a mom thig has become. Must have been something about hitting the 5 month mark for Max when things just started to click. I dont know if it's his reflux meds that started to kick in or the fact that he can actually do things now and be really entertained or what, but something has changed in this baby. In the past few days, Max has started cry considerably less every day. He now plays by himself on the play mat or the jumper for decent periods of time. It's like now that he can roll over and get his hands to grab toys when he wants them he is so much happier! I'm not really sure how to explain this drastic change. He smiles and laughs a bunch everyday and is actually consolable most of the time when he is crying. He hasn't had a strait out scream fest in a while. Yes, he still has problems sleeping, he wakes up twice a ni...