To Work or Not to Work
So, when people asked me if I was going to go back to work after I had Max, the response was always " I don't know, I am just seeing how it goes." I kind of just thought to myself that I would seriously start thinking about it after Christmas. I just put off thinking about it really and truth be told, before Christmas I was way too wrapped up in just trying to get any sleep at night and finding time to take a shower... Since things have calmed way down with Max I started to allowing the thought of going back to work enter my mind. I have ALWAYS worked, since I got my first job as at the Bulverde Bakery when I was 15, I have literally always worked. All throughout high school, and usually more than one job at a time in college. Except for the 5 months that I lived in Australia, I worked. I think I have written a blog about working before and how I felt about not working while I was pregnant, and that was different. I had nothing to occupy my time then and felt pretty wor...