
I hope I am not counting my chickens before they are hatched, but since coming back from the states I have realised how much easier this whole being a mom thig has become. Must have been something about hitting the 5 month mark for Max when things just started to click. I dont know if it's his reflux meds that started to kick in or the fact that he can actually do things now and be really entertained or what, but something has changed in this baby.
In the past few days, Max has started cry considerably less every day. He now plays by himself on the play mat or the jumper for decent periods of time. It's like now that he can roll over and get his hands to grab toys when he wants them he is so much happier! I'm not really sure how to explain this drastic change. He smiles and laughs a bunch everyday and is actually consolable most of the time when he is crying. He hasn't had a strait out scream fest in a while.
Yes, he still has problems sleeping, he wakes up twice a night consistently and it's still very difficult to get him to take a nap by himself, but he does fall asleep quicker:)
This is probably going to sound bad, but I feel like I can just now start to enjoy motherhood! Maybe I have changed my out look on parenthood too, or am just more relaxed, but I can now see why people have more than one kid! If you haven't noticed from my previous blogs, I have been more than slightly stressed and beaten down during the last 5 months, but recently I have discovered a new sense of confidence. I feel as if I can take Max somewhere and not worry that he will be crying non stop the entire time! You have no idea how good it feels as a mom to finally be able to comfort your crying baby and get him to actually stop crying!:) I finally am able to understand him more!
I do realise that there are still going to many many tough days, but I feel like I can handle them now:) I can actually say that I love spending time with my baby!
I know that sounds awful, and of course I have loved Max since before he was born, but any mom with a fussy baby will understand what I mean. He is actually fun to be around now and not constantly stressful and crying:) I can enjoy teaching him new things and watching him learn!
Yes, I am still extremely sleep deprived and always covered in spit up, but I feel like I can be ME again! Again, not sure where these changes came from or if all I needed was a good long time with family to help me relax, but I am so thankful that they are here! I pray things only continue to get better and urge any new Moms out there that is going through the same things I did, that it really is true when people say it gets better! I know it's tough to believe, and really the past 5 months have been the hardest of my life, but it just makes it so much more awesome when everything just seems to work out!
Since these changes and have come around, just in time for the new year, I am determined to make some changed for myself as well. I really need to start making an effort to make some friends here in England so I am not just sitting at the house every day. I also really want to keep a cleaner house. I am not a neat freak by any means, but wow have I let this place get a little gross when there just is no time to clean...hopefully I will find some time now. Also, I want to make more time for my husband, the past 5 months have been hard on him, and our relationship too, so I really want to make time for quality for just us! I really just being able to hang out with him! Lastly, I want to start blogging about something other than my baby:) hahaha I love Max soo much, but I am a person living in England and I want more stuff to write about than just him (no offense Max), I am not only a mom, but a woman too!:)


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