I miss my husband

So my other military wives will  understand. When your husband has to leave for months at a time, you are forced to live and get by on your own. There are so many things a military wife has to adjust to, and I have come to realize that there are so many things I miss about Jeff being gone. Besides the obvious of generally missing his company and my partner in life, I have realized it is the small things that I didn't even think about that I miss the most.

These are some of the things that Jeff did when he is here that I never had to ask him to do and I'm trying to remember or find time to do myself now haha

- taking out the trash and remembering to take the cans out on trash/recycle day
- lock the doors at night
- set the robot vacuum to run while we sleep
- mow the lawn
- check on the baby before we go to sleep at night
- get up with Max in the mornings while I sleep a little bit longer
- turn off the downstairs light
- start the coffee in the morning
- stop to pick up milk or any small things on the way home from work

These things and more are just some of the small things that I have to get used to doing on my own.


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