
Showing posts from May, 2013

What Not to Wear (because I'm 27 and a Mom)

Alright, well since I have gotten back  into my pre-pregnancy stage and it looks as if the weather may finally be giving us some warm days I have been looking into what to wear for the spring and summer. I am finding it a little difficult to fit my style and budget into clothes these days for these reasons. My age . Ok, so yes I am only 27  so to me that still seems pretty young in the grand scheme of things. And I want to dress young. I do realize that I am getting older and can only pull off certain clothes while in my twenties so I don't want to waste the few years I have left. I have the rest of my life to dress "older" so why do I want to do it now? Answer: I don't. I still want to wear fun trendy items. But with this, there comes a balance. A few years ago I pretty much stopped buying anything from the Juniors sections at the stores because I figured I am an adult and need to start shopping like one. Today, I occasionally cheat and get something from that se...

Opinions on Parenthood

So once you become a parent you will be over-loaded with advice and opinions on how to raise your child. Everyone is certain that their way is best and "the only" way it should be done. Mothers will get so worked up  I have found that parents can get VERY offended and opinionated about certain hot topics. I have found that there are certain subjects that I do not bring up with surrounded by a group of mothers as it can lead to a very heated argument and a lot of uncomfortableness. These subjects (and much more) are: 1. What and when to feed you child. (organic homemade food, all vegetarian vs store bought) ( when to start solids, juice, cows milk, you name it, people have an opinion about it) 2. The way your child sleeps. ( Co-Sleeping, sleeping on the back or belly, sleep training) 3. Breast Feeding vs Formula 4. Circumcision 5. Vaccinations 6. Birth Control 7. Chemicals in the home ( baby wipes, cleaners) Most of MY personal parenting style as been t...