What Not to Wear (because I'm 27 and a Mom)

Alright, well since I have gotten back  into my pre-pregnancy stage and it looks as if the weather may finally be giving us some warm days I have been looking into what to wear for the spring and summer. I am finding it a little difficult to fit my style and budget into clothes these days for these reasons.

My age. Ok, so yes I am only 27  so to me that still seems pretty young in the grand scheme of things. And I want to dress young. I do realize that I am getting older and can only pull off certain clothes while in my twenties so I don't want to waste the few years I have left. I have the rest of my life to dress "older" so why do I want to do it now? Answer: I don't. I still want to wear fun trendy items. But with this, there comes a balance. A few years ago I pretty much stopped buying anything from the Juniors sections at the stores because I figured I am an adult and need to start shopping like one. Today, I occasionally cheat and get something from that section if it is super cute or on sale haha, but for the most part I steer clear from it. Most of the clothes there are very "teenagerish" anyway and I find myself wondering if they make me look too young. I don't want to look like I am trying to be in high school again, or that I am desperately trying to make people think I am 21 again, because lets face it that is not going to happen. I simply want to appear to be a mature, yet trendy and cute 27 year old woman. I am still young, and want to appear that way without going too far. It seems to be kind of a difficult balance.

Since I am a Mother. Everyone is aware of "mom" jeans and how the stereo-typical mother dresses. It is less than pleasing. Mothers tend to fall into the "I just don't give a crap what I wear because I have so much other stuff to do" slot. I totally get it; wearing cute clothes that just get covered with food and pulled on just doesn't have the same appeal. And when I am around the house, I must admit that I spend most of my time in yoga pants and tee shirts, shorts if I can. But, on the few times a week that I get to go somewhere, I take advantage of the opportunity and dress the best I can. Plus, a lot of mothers tend to believe that they some how need to stop being women and start only being a mother. Which I don't think is right for me. I need the few days a week to dress up (sort of) and feel pretty and stylish again. I have always been a firm believer that even though you become a MOM, you are still a woman and a person. Being a Mom is not the only thing that defines me and I like to show that with my wardrobe.

My size. I have never been the skinniest person around, but usually not the biggest either. Over the years I have gained weight and lost it, but for the most part have stayed about where I am now. I have always thought I have good body parts and some other body features that I would rather cover up. For instance, I have always kind of liked my legs. I'm not sure if that sounds conceded but I think I have nice calves and ankles, and my thighs are just ok haha. For that reason, I always love wearing heels, they elongate my legs. So, it's one of my assets and I'd like to show them off while I still have nice legs. I am not sure how many years I have left, so I am going to take advantage of it. One of my problem areas has always been my stomach/belly region. This area got worse with pregnancy and so it is the area that I like to keep covered. There are many clothes items that there is an unspoken rule about and only for "skinny" girls to wear. But on the other hand, I don't want to go around always so scared of my body image that I have to cover up every part of me because it isn't in perfect shape. I have found that there is a line. I have accepted there are certain clothes items that just won't ever look good on my body type, and girls with my size just shouldn't wear. I think this comes into play with every body type and whatever size you are there are things you can wear and not wear.

Why are clothes even important to me? They are important because if you have ever seen the show on TLC "What Not to Wear" you will understand. The way you present yourself to the outside world is the way people perceive you. Since perception is reality, what a person looks like on the outside, generally is a reflection of what they feel on the inside. I want to project myself as a semi-stylish twenty something mother who has fun, enjoys life and enjoys wearing cute comfortable clothes:)


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