
Showing posts from September, 2013

What's New with the Beenes

Just thought I would post a little update blog to let everyone know what has been going on lately with me and my little family:) Well, It seems as if Fall has officially come to England. We had one nice day yesterday, but mostly the clouds and rain and chilly weather has once again returned to stay until June. It was a nice warm summer, so I am not complaining really. But I am dreading the looming darkness and dreariness that winter brings to this part of the world. But on the positive side, I really like fall clothes and am really into hats and scarves this season, so I am excited to be wearing those things much more often:) As far as me goes, I have joined the MOCSC (Mildenhall Officer and Civilian Spouses Club) as the historian this year. All I mostly do is take pictures and post them on facebook, but its fun for me to get involved with other spouses. I also volunteered to be a Key Spouse for my husband's flight. For those of you who aren't familiar with the program, I b...

Perks of being a lonely Military Spouse.

So we have all heard the woes and and hardships that military spouses have to go through when their spouse is gone. Although it is hard and there are SO many things that down right suck about having your spouse gone, I thought I would write about some of the good things. Being a military spouse, know one is immune to being alone or away from their spouse. I don't care what rank your husband is, he will be away from you for more than the average civilian couple, and you will be left to take care of the house on your own. Although none of us, (military wives) look forward to our husbands being away, it is a fact of the military life and we can either mope about it and cry and get depressed, or focus on the positive part and try to make the situation as best as we can. Whether he is gone for a few days for training or on a year long deployment, having the house to your self doesn't have to be all bad. So, after giving it some thought here is a list of positives and not so terribl...