What's New with the Beenes

Just thought I would post a little update blog to let everyone know what has been going on lately with me and my little family:)

Well, It seems as if Fall has officially come to England. We had one nice day yesterday, but mostly the clouds and rain and chilly weather has once again returned to stay until June. It was a nice warm summer, so I am not complaining really. But I am dreading the looming darkness and dreariness that winter brings to this part of the world. But on the positive side, I really like fall clothes and am really into hats and scarves this season, so I am excited to be wearing those things much more often:)

As far as me goes, I have joined the MOCSC (Mildenhall Officer and Civilian Spouses Club) as the historian this year. All I mostly do is take pictures and post them on facebook, but its fun for me to get involved with other spouses. I also volunteered to be a Key Spouse for my husband's flight. For those of you who aren't familiar with the program, I basically am just there to help out and reach out to any spouses who may need it. We try and spread word about upcoming events and ways to get out and about:) I also organize and participate in Toddler Play Group for Max. We are a bunch of moms and kids who get together twice a month to either go random fun places, or sometimes just to each others house to hang out. It's nice to get adult time and also nice to let the kiddos play. Hum, what else am I doing?.....I think that pretty much sums of my life right now... I have a few crafts I am working on like a new knitted scarf and I am really trying to get into couponing, but am having a tough time motivating myself to get it going. I have been able to read more lately and have recently finished "Divergent" and looking forward to continuing that series, but right now I am pretty consumed with the book "The Outlanders". I am looking forward to the Holiday season (as always) and already planning Christmas presents and parties:)

Jeffrey, well I suppose you'd have to ask him about more specifics as what he has been doing recently, as I only know so much about his work:) He has been keeping very busy the last couple weeks at work and I do know that he is getting to really love his job here, which makes it good for everyone:) Idk if you all know, but Jeff is working on his Masters Degree online and is only a few classes away from graduating, so that's one of his things to keep up with. Also, twice a week a participates in an online Spanish class which helps him keep his Spanish more fluent. He also has recently competed in a "tough mudder" and a "spartan" race the last few weeks.

As far as Maximus, well he has been keeping the most busy out of all of us. He is constantly on the go, from morning until night! He just went down to taking only one nap a day, which means even more time for him to run around haha. He absolutely loves playing outside and could play on slides for hours and hours. Going up and down and up and down is just so fun for him, but he only ever goes down the slide on his belly:) He is a pretty good walker for his age, almost 14 months, but he tries to act like he is a bigger kid and it doesn't always work out for him. I am constantly chasing him around as he still gets into things he shouldn't, puts randoms things in his mouth, and tries to climb on everything! He exhausts me almost everyday! He is getting to be so much fun as at this age is able to understand a lot of what we are saying. He can still only say a hand full of words, but he understands a lot more. We can finally do activities together like playing with balls or collecting pine cones or simple fun "toddler" activities. We are really starting to see him personality now and it is so much fun. It is like he is no longer a baby, but an actual kid you can play with! He LOVES bananas! He would eat them for every single meal if I let him. I suppose there are worse things he could love, but its so funny.  He is a really fast learner and Jeff and I are starting to have to be careful what we do or say in front of him as he is starting to mimic some things. You show him something once and he can usually copy it. I know all parents think their kid is super smart, but Max really is a smart kid:) He has been sleeping really well at night now, most of the time from 7pm- 7am, which is awesome for us! I guess it is because he is so busy during the day.

Well, thats us, the Beenes. Not a super unique crazy life, but we are enjoying it! We try and enjoy every single day and look forward to the fun things to come:)


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