Being a Mother

Being a mother is full of ups and downs I have come to notice. Even though I have only had the Mom experience for only over 3 weeks, I can tell ya about so many things I have felt and experienced in that short time, the good and the bad:)

Breastfeeding: So it appears for me that breastfeeding is wayy harder than I thought. It always seemed like the most natural thing in the world and to be perfectly honest I never knew why people didnt do it. I mean its free, and better for you baby and helps you burn extra calories... so where is the down side? That was my thought process before trying it. After trying it, and continuing to do it, I completely understand why people do not do it.
I am taking it week by week at this point. It's easier now than it was at the beggining, but it's just so tiring. Being the only one that can feed the baby, and constantly worrying about if your boobs are gonna leak, or the get really hard and full and painful I might add. Not to mention, Max doesnt always like to eat from them and still prefers the bottle most of the time. Going back to the tiring part, It takes at least 30 minutes just for him to eat, then there is the burping and the trying to get him to go back to sleep. In the middle of the night, this is over an hour process and he only sleeps for about an yes very tiring. Plus, I am worrying about what I am eating and if it is making him gassy. I don't know which foods upset him, but I know something must becuase somedays he is extremely more fussy than others. As I said, all very frustrating. One day at a time, and I am determined to keep going at least a little longer becuase I just bought some new cute nursing bras and am hoping they weren't a waste of money:) So, thats whats going on with that. I have a support group here for breastfeeding that are very helpful, so I haven't lost hope yet:) To make matters more confusing, Max isn't sleeping very much (maybe 7 hours total in 24 hours) and have been doing some research that suggests formula babies sleep better. ( because they aren't effected from the daily changes in a mothers breast milk) I am limiting myself to 1 or 2 caffeinated beverages a day, because I honestly can't get through a day without them with an average of 3-4 hours of sleep each night. Sigh, everything is so confusing, I want what's best for my son but is it worth all the pain, stress, tears, and frustration? I'm not sure at this point. I don't want to feel like a failure if I decide to quit because I know so women have done it. And that's what we are made to do; it's just annoying!

So besides all the struggles and things I have had to learn and go through, I can't help but love my little son so much! And I can honestly say he is the cutest baby ever!


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