
Showing posts from 2013

Am I too Selfish?

Alright, this might be a controversial blog, as I feel as if I am about to admit a blasphemous sin in the world of mothers.  I vaguly remember watching a Dr. Phil show years ago (back in high school) about a mother and her so called shocking view on parenting. I don't know why this show has stuck in my mind all these years, but I guess it is because it always confused me, as to why this mother was getting so much negative attention. To sum it up, there was a average mother who had written a book ( I have no idea what her name or the name of the book was) about how her world did not revolve around her 3 kids. The most popular line, and the one that sticks out in my mind is when she said, " I love my kids, but I am not IN-love with them." She talked about how she did things with out her kids. Her and her husband and even went on several day long vacations every year with out them on purpose. (I think the kids were like elementary ageish). They did things with their kids ...

Mommy Manners?

     So now that Max is getting older, he interacts with  other kids and parents a lot more often. When observing other mothers and kids, I can't help but wonder about the unspoken "rules" of what is appropriate for kids and moms in a public place. I sometimes let Max do something and then wonder, "Hum, I wonder if that was ok?" I am not talking about hanging out with your close friends and their kids at your house; but public places where a bunch of kids are playing. I often feel like I am breaking some sort of "mom rule" when I do or don't do something. So my question is, is there a secret set of Mom Etiquette rules that every mother should be aware of? If so, can I get a copy please:) Here are a few examples of situations that have risen that have left me wondering what I should have done. (Keep in mind that Max is only 15 months old, so a young toddler at best :) 1. Playground rules:   Kids are playing at a small neighborhood playground ...

I LOVE having a Toddler!

Maximus is 14 months old now and is just so much fun! I feel like I say that a lot, but there really aren't any other words to describe it. I know the toddler years are draining and tiresome for a lot of mothers (it is for me as well, but more on that in a minute) and I know some mothers dearly miss the days when their baby would just lay there, content and happy with the world. They miss the non-mobile pudgy baby that smiled and squeezed their fingers. Well, I'm not sure if it't wrong to say, but I don't miss those days! I love having a toddler so much more than a baby! Let me explain.... He would not stop running around at the Fall Festival! Having a toddler is tiresome. I am literally chasing Max everywhere, all day long. If we go in public, it is even worse. It seems as if everything is his to open, play with, touch, eat, or generally just get into. I can't just sit and have a conversation with someone in public and expect Max to sit still. He will p...

What's New with the Beenes

Just thought I would post a little update blog to let everyone know what has been going on lately with me and my little family:) Well, It seems as if Fall has officially come to England. We had one nice day yesterday, but mostly the clouds and rain and chilly weather has once again returned to stay until June. It was a nice warm summer, so I am not complaining really. But I am dreading the looming darkness and dreariness that winter brings to this part of the world. But on the positive side, I really like fall clothes and am really into hats and scarves this season, so I am excited to be wearing those things much more often:) As far as me goes, I have joined the MOCSC (Mildenhall Officer and Civilian Spouses Club) as the historian this year. All I mostly do is take pictures and post them on facebook, but its fun for me to get involved with other spouses. I also volunteered to be a Key Spouse for my husband's flight. For those of you who aren't familiar with the program, I b...

Perks of being a lonely Military Spouse.

So we have all heard the woes and and hardships that military spouses have to go through when their spouse is gone. Although it is hard and there are SO many things that down right suck about having your spouse gone, I thought I would write about some of the good things. Being a military spouse, know one is immune to being alone or away from their spouse. I don't care what rank your husband is, he will be away from you for more than the average civilian couple, and you will be left to take care of the house on your own. Although none of us, (military wives) look forward to our husbands being away, it is a fact of the military life and we can either mope about it and cry and get depressed, or focus on the positive part and try to make the situation as best as we can. Whether he is gone for a few days for training or on a year long deployment, having the house to your self doesn't have to be all bad. So, after giving it some thought here is a list of positives and not so terribl...

Breastfeeding: Year End Review

*WARNING: This blog contains a lot of references to breasts, nipples and what they go through when nursing, so if you don't want the detail, I would recommend not reading any fur ther:) So WOW! It has been a YEAR (actually a little bit more than a year)! If you had asked me one month, two month, or even three of four months in I would have said that there is NO possible way I could make to nursing for an entire year! But here I am one year of breastfeeding under my belt and I wanted to share my experience with the whole process:) THE BEFORE Now during pregnancy I always knew I wanted to breastfeed. My mom breastfed all of us kids and I also saw my aunts nurse my cousins, plus both of my sisters had breastfed their babies, so it is safe to say that I was more familiar with the breastfeeding process than the average person. I wasn't too apprehensive about nursing as it seemed like it was a natural part of life and having a baby. I was aware that some people had harder tim...

Things I Love about England and Things I miss about the USA

Since I have been here for over a year and feel pretty well acclimated, I figured it was time for comparison blog. Things I like about the UK (in no specific order) *Round Abouts- For those of you who don't know a round about is a type of driving intersection. It is a driving circle with at least 3 exit points and each car is required to enter and exit the circle while yielding to the cars already in the circle. There is a etiquette that comes with driving in these with certain blinkers being used when exiting and entering the round about. It took me a while to get used to them, but now that I have, I have to say that I really like them. It is a way better system than stop lights, or the terrible 4 way stop signs we have in the US. The huge round abouts (with 5 plus exits) can get a tricky and hectic, and there are also round abouts with stop lights, which are weird. But for the most part, I really like them and wish the US would convert:) This is an example of a round abo...

First Night Away

Parents' first night away together from their baby can be an emotional one. I am not talking about a date night out to go to dinner, but a complete and total over-night away from baby. I know many parents who left their kids with family when the baby was only 3 or 4 months old, and I also know parents who still have never left their 3 year old over night with anyone. I think the right time to finally leave your baby/child with someone else is when you feel comfortable. I think it also depends on the baby. If the baby is breastfed, sleeping through the night and other factors can make the decision difficult. Also having someone you trust that is willing/available to watch your child is a major issue. Well, for Jeff and I, the right time to have an over-night get away came a few days ago. Max is 10 1/2 months old, finally sleeping through the night consistently,and able to put himself to sleep so I thought it was time Jeff and I got our night away. We might have done it sooner if...

What Not to Wear (because I'm 27 and a Mom)

Alright, well since I have gotten back  into my pre-pregnancy stage and it looks as if the weather may finally be giving us some warm days I have been looking into what to wear for the spring and summer. I am finding it a little difficult to fit my style and budget into clothes these days for these reasons. My age . Ok, so yes I am only 27  so to me that still seems pretty young in the grand scheme of things. And I want to dress young. I do realize that I am getting older and can only pull off certain clothes while in my twenties so I don't want to waste the few years I have left. I have the rest of my life to dress "older" so why do I want to do it now? Answer: I don't. I still want to wear fun trendy items. But with this, there comes a balance. A few years ago I pretty much stopped buying anything from the Juniors sections at the stores because I figured I am an adult and need to start shopping like one. Today, I occasionally cheat and get something from that se...

Opinions on Parenthood

So once you become a parent you will be over-loaded with advice and opinions on how to raise your child. Everyone is certain that their way is best and "the only" way it should be done. Mothers will get so worked up  I have found that parents can get VERY offended and opinionated about certain hot topics. I have found that there are certain subjects that I do not bring up with surrounded by a group of mothers as it can lead to a very heated argument and a lot of uncomfortableness. These subjects (and much more) are: 1. What and when to feed you child. (organic homemade food, all vegetarian vs store bought) ( when to start solids, juice, cows milk, you name it, people have an opinion about it) 2. The way your child sleeps. ( Co-Sleeping, sleeping on the back or belly, sleep training) 3. Breast Feeding vs Formula 4. Circumcision 5. Vaccinations 6. Birth Control 7. Chemicals in the home ( baby wipes, cleaners) Most of MY personal parenting style as been t...

Thankful to be Alive

I am just so thankful to be alive. Today is one of those days that I just can't help but feel so blessed.   In my life I have experienced amazing love. My parents have always been there to support me and I can honestly say have been the best parents in the world. I have the most special love from all of my unique sisters. Although, my sisters are the only people that I can get in huge fights with, I love them more dearly than almost anything. I had such a special childhood that always brings the most fond memories. I have a HUGE extended family on both sides and so many Aunts, Uncles and Cousins that love me for who  I am, and I so lucky to have so many people to lean on.  I have had and still do have close, loving, best friends that have and would do anything for me. I am so blessed to have not just one, but so many best friends that I can count on no matter what happens in life. It doesn't matter if we haven't spoken in months, I know for a fac...

I miss my husband

So my other military wives will  understand. When your husband has to leave for months at a time, you are forced to live and get by on your own. There are so many things a military wife has to adjust to, and I have come to realize that there are so many things I miss about Jeff being gone. Besides the obvious of generally missing his company and my partner in life, I have realized it is the small things that I didn't even think about that I miss the most. These are some of the things that Jeff did when he is here that I never had to ask him to do and I'm trying to remember or find time to do myself now haha - taking out the trash and remembering to take the cans out on trash/recycle day - lock the doors at night - set the robot vacuum to run while we sleep - mow the lawn - check on the baby before we go to sleep at night - get up with Max in the mornings while I sleep a little bit longer - turn off the downstairs light - start the coffee in the morning - stop to pic...

Nothing New

So I have been wanting to blog for a while, give people and update on my life and whats been going on, but the truth is that really not a lot. Since Jeff is gone my days are pretty much the same. Max and I wake up, I get coffee, feed him breakfast and play. After his nap we usually go somewhere short like to check the mail or for a walk. We have lunch, play more, he takes an afternoon nap, then hang out, dinner bath books and bed. It's all pretty basic. When Max goes to sleep, I clean up the house, do dishes and play around the computer and then go to sleep. Some days we have play group or meet some friends, but mostly the days just go by the same way. I'm not complaining at all, in fact I actually love the monotony of every day. I plan for special events like I have always done. I am in the stages of planning for Max's 1st birthday, which I am so excited about! I know I am going to go overboard, but it's going to be so fun as long as its not raining that day lol. I a...

A List of VERY late resolutions.

Ok, so I have been meaning to post a list of things I want to improve about myself or do better. I meant to do it around New Years, but, of course, it never got done. So here it is. 1. NOT BAIL. It is so easy to have excuses not to do things when you have a baby. Seriously, you can pretty much blame anything on them and people can't really say much. It's not like someone is gonna say "You're baby isn't really sick, bring him out anyway". Plus it is honestly so much easier at times just stay in and not have to get everything ready to go, worry about if your baby is going to be fussy, or if its going to to interrupt his nap time. One of my hugest pet peeves, is when people bail on doing something last minute, when they previously said they would. I mean coming up with a bad excuse is one thing, but just not showing is so much worse! But then I got to thinking, holy crap, I am guilty of doing this exact thing! There have been many times where I am just not fee...

Some Baby/Mom Items that We Couldn't Live Without!

So, when I was pregnant I asked other mom's what were some baby items that they loved, and I always learned some new things, so here is my experience so far on what baby items Max and I LOVE! If I ever have another child, I will for sure be buying them or reusing them again! I know not every baby likes the same things, so these items may or may not work for you and your little one, but Max is feisty, particular, and squirmy little baby who is always moving and reaching, so these items work for a baby like him! (in no particular order) 1. This teething necklace has been so so so wonderful! I have two, in different colors, and wear them every single time I go out anywhere with Max. I originally wanted one so that I could wear it while I nursed to give Max something to look at/hold on to. It works for that, but it is the best teether ever! It is always accessible whenever Max wants it, and it never falls on the floor and gets dirty since I wear it around my neck! Max can yank on...